2011-08-14 20:21:30 |
My Bitch_(0)
More please! Waiting... waiting... waiting for chapter 2, or at least another story period! Not like you're too busy working or anything gosh! ;) |
2011-08-15 18:33:22 |
Our Story Ch.7 *Final Chapter*
Wow how wrong you are! Even though people make mistakes, those mistakes don't dictate one's future. I can only assume you are either too immature and/or too young to grasp that concept. Oh, and I actually prefer him to dominate.... |
2011-08-15 18:49:46 |
Our Story Ch.6
No need for name calling here, but if you must please direct it towards me and not my husband. He is the most amazing MAN, husband, and father. It takes more balls to stay and work on a marriage than to walk away. Thanks to him our children still live under one roof, with both their parents, in a stable happy home. |
2011-09-20 07:09:17 |
Our Story Ch.6
Well you didnt get that entirely correct "anonymous". He cheated first, months prior. He had an ongoing & not purely sexual affair with my friend for a period of time. He had no intention, that's how i see it, of ever telling me. I was friends with her for months before dragging the truth out of him. I attended birthday parties for her kids & numerous other gatherings. I got f'd up one night & slept with a guy i met at a bar. I felt terrible & told my husband the truth. Even then he didn't divulge his secret. So, yes when i finally forced the truth out of him i went off the deep end! I tried my best to hurt him, i'm not proud of that. But i was still pretty damn honest with him along the way... He on the other hand lied for months. The sex part was never the biggest upset for me, it was the lying i couldn't tolorate. Although i do agree, i was behaving like a selfasorbed bitch, that doesn't change the fact that in my mind LYING & CHEATING are two diff things. He lied, we both cheated. |
2011-09-20 07:34:18 |
Our Story Ch.6
However, the reason i wrote this story (aside from finding therapeutic) was to prove no matter how fall your marriage or you as an individual fall, things can always be repaired. Once i ceased with the bs, we managed to fix our marriage & our faith in one another. In doing so i had to fix myself also. I became very self analytical. I could tell the readers all about the sexual abuse i recieved as a child or the abusive relationships i had before my husband. I could explain all that to shed a bit of light on how a woman could go from Sunday school teacher to what became at that point in my life. Then you might not be so quick to judge my actions when i found out the love of my life, the only man besides my father i ever truly trusted, not only betrayed me by cheating but lied to me for months & months. But in the end, regardless of my mental state, i realize how lucky i am he chose to forgive me. That is a blessing & i've cherished & will continue to cherish every day with him. |