Comments from PureSnow

Date Story title Comment
2011-09-06 12:11:27 Gothic Amy And Me Part 9 Moving In Together you could really emphasise the dog thing with some beastiality if anyone else is interested in it. maybe amy could wake up and be angry at Lilith being untied and they could get a pet dog which they could use to teach amy a lesson not to have a go at john.
I'm not overly keen on the wedding but its interesting, probably just because i prefer lilith as a bride. =)
2011-09-06 12:13:20 Gothic Amy And Me Part 9 Moving In Together After all she did say she was gonna be a bitch =)
2011-09-08 20:20:22 Gothic Amy And Me Part 9 Moving In Together pregnancies are a bad idea they always end a series because the author cant include them in anything and they take up so much time that the characters wont have time for much. if you realy wanted to you could have lilith or amy get pregnant depending on whether john makes amy a bitch she could look after lilith's baby or if not lilith could look after amy's baby. i think this whole lilith/amy war thing is good, but i think that he should marry lilith, he's always shown more affection to her and she's such an amazing character.
2011-09-08 20:43:54 MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT PART 9 TEASING i get that it takes time to write sometimes if u have block but can u at least post a message saying something so we know u havn't just dissappeared from tne site.
2011-09-08 21:00:29 Great job, this story is much better than the last.
don't let things get too out of hand for him and remember to have a plotline, not just sex =) looking forward to part 4