Comments from iloveincest1993

Date Story title Comment
2011-09-18 13:12:27 First time with my Cousin Part 4 Anonymous reader
2011-09-18 12:59:30
Enjoyed the first couple but now they're just weird..

How's it weird?
2011-09-18 16:57:31 First time with my cousin Part 5 I'm 18. Most of this happend last week. but some of it I've added for effect
2011-09-19 13:22:38 First time with my cousin Part 3 Hugh_Jardon
2011-09-18 20:08:54
Again you have strayed from the story. In part one you said it was summer break and now you are worried about school again. WTF

It was the last week of summer break
2011-09-19 15:33:43 First time with my cousin Part 2 Anonymous reader
2011-09-18 20:53:16
Not to mention she was ment to b sleeping in the guest room so wT was she doing on the floor of his room logically they would b sitting on his bed.

The weather was pretty crazy, It was about 20celcius during the day, but only about 4-5 at nigth. The guest room does get cold so, after what had just happend downstairs, I told her she was sleeping with me.
2011-09-19 15:36:27 First time with my Cousin Part 4 You took her anal virginity? Then you say she and Ashleigh fuck each others ass with strapon and burn up 3 a year? WTF

I meant to say I was the first real cock up her ass