Comments from olblueyes

Date Story title Comment
2019-11-25 04:40:41 Camping with the Johnsons PT1 well written, seemed rushed, lot of holes in the back story, needs fleshing out, dont be in such a hurry to get to the sex, readers will follow relentlessly 'cause they know what is coming.
2019-11-25 05:16:55 Three is not a crowd_(2) well paced, like the story premise, but your a guy trying to write as a woman and it isn't working in my book, the last stroker I read of yours had the comments turned off, supposedly written from perspective of a mother watching her twin sons fucking their sister, same situation,,maybe you should write from a guys view.
2019-12-02 05:34:49 A twisted game - part 5 well written, not much depth, its ok for a stroker, certainly needs to be fleshed out with more emotion. possibly the parents do the kids themselves to keep them apart.
2020-06-18 03:38:31 In The Family (Part 5)_(1) love it, well paced..well written, more like this please.
2020-06-18 04:31:45 Mother & Virgin Son--Part 1 of 3 excellent brginning,,,well written, well paced,,good tension.