Comments from Elric Melnibone

Date Story title Comment
2011-11-04 08:35:55 Amanda's Story_(0) Thank you for your comments. This was written specifically as a cliff hanger, I know I hate reading them as well...

I would also like to point out that it is labeled as Erotic Romance not my usual hard core, raunchy, wet and squishy sex scenes. If you are looking for that then please read one of my other stories.

Thank you again for comments, please keep commenting as I do read them and take your advice into consideration when I write my next piece or write a sequel.
2011-11-13 01:57:27 Amanda's Story_(0) Boy did I miss that one... three times. :(

I guess if it was perfect then I'd get paid to write. Appreciate the feedback.
2011-11-15 01:02:45 Desert Gifts I never considered how a wounded vet would feel about this. I am glade that it did not disappoint.

If you like this please vote, the trolls and socks have once again come out again. If you are a member, please log-on before voting as your vote carries more weight than an anonymous vote.

Thank you.
2011-11-21 10:30:12 Amanda's Story: The Date Story is done. No longer writing erotica.

Enjoy and thank a troll.
2011-11-21 10:34:36 Amanda's Story_(0) No longer writing.

It is too much work to write something for trolls/socks to bury with a click of a button and a few words of uneducated dribble.