2011-12-13 18:37:10 |
3 Evil Sisters-Part 2
i really enjoyed the story i am not normally into the really rough stuff but the way you played it out worked well keep up the good work |
2011-12-13 18:37:37 |
3 Evil Sisters-Part 2
i really enjoyed the story i am not normally into the really rough stuff but the way you played it out worked well keep up the good work |
2011-12-26 18:37:12 |
3 Evil Sisters-Part 3
hay don't cut your self short it may take some time but you wright good work i have read more that a few story's and this is one of the beater ones i have read you could try reading darkbrother's work he is my favorite writer on hear |
2012-02-09 13:04:57 |
3 Evil Sisters-Part 6
man i loved the ending it mad me laugh my ass off. don't worry to much about the grammar i am not that grate ether. i am interested in where your going to take it after. mom is in the house seeing as how the are really not that well dressed. also with Izzy and Ashley fighting. who knows what got ripped off in the way of clothing and black eyes. |
2012-05-06 05:04:22 |
A Not-So-Simple Life: Part 3
i have been reading your story's from the beginning and i am putting you no my top 5 list number one is darkbrother. sure your time table my suck but your story's are worth the wait i know how hard it is to wright. not to a story i am having a hard time with my part two. all i can say is so far they have been worth the wait i am only getting in on this late because i moved and am looking for a job. so i know how life can be |