Comments from tyreen

Date Story title Comment
2011-11-14 23:20:43 Crowd Surfing 2_(0) comments makes me write more stories....
2011-11-15 09:07:05 Crowd Surfing 2_(0) hi, sorry the same story doubled!
2011-11-16 06:10:07 Crowd Surfing_(1) heya sorry about the punctuation--it was my first story--read crowd surfing 2 if u want more detail--thanks.
2012-01-21 19:07:49 Bus Ride_(1) lol- thanks for the good comments---I am usually accurate on the geography and thought that when I put Fresno in--thanks for reading! Keep the comments coming--always welcome!
2012-02-04 06:41:13 Shooter Bitch ohhhh I agree-pm me with the details hon!!! I want every detail of how it started and what happened to you!! Jen