Comments from delinquent_angel

Date Story title Comment
2012-06-25 19:18:19 Mel meets the motel owners Good catch on the impossibility of pissing and ejaculating at the same time. I need a good proof-reader. For now I'll just chalk it up to artistic license.
2013-02-10 23:27:59 Dogfucking: A Romantic Vignette Dude, that's just the sort of sick shit I love reading about. Love it. Woof.
2013-05-18 12:51:14 Chapter 4 Mel finds a parter in crime Thanks for the comment. I definitely appreciate it. Don't worry, I've got another chapter with Mel almost ready to publish. It's got some more character development and a lot more of the same types of sex.

PS you should introduce yourself to me in a PM, I'd love more feedback and ideas. ;)