Comments from Lilith04

Date Story title Comment
2011-10-31 13:26:13 Megan and the Monster Oh my God, I loved it! I went all wet before the middle... Great job!
2011-11-01 10:52:20 The Immortal Kiss My God!!!
At first I got pissed by the unecessary number of themes, but soon as I kept reading...
I loved it! Please make a second part, pleeeeease!
2011-11-27 20:55:28 Night Skies_(0) Actually he really is an alien. It'll be explained at part 2, if I feel confident enough to do it. Sorry about this rushed end. I thought that some suspense should be a good idea... Guess I'm wrong.
2011-12-20 18:09:53 Night Skies_(0) I know, no offense taken. I'm a brazilian girl that never lived abroad and barely took an english course... My grammar should really suck. But I love writing and I'm trying to improve faster I can. Thanks for the comment anyway.
2011-12-29 10:22:23 Different Love Hi guys. Yes, there will be a part two, it's been hard to write because I'm vacationing but I'm finishing it today and I'll probably post it tomorrow. Thanks for the votes, comments and support.