Comments from myhotass

Date Story title Comment
2012-11-12 03:16:43 As Daddy watches! I really enjoyed this. It got me so wet. Dont pay attention to people that are too afraid to show who they are. If your going to comment dont do it Anonymously. Say who you are you cowards.
2012-11-19 04:03:40 Fuck Pals Chapter 1 I loved it. I want more. I was wondering why he wanted her crazy and how did they meet. There isnt any back story. He just shows up at her door. And who was the first girl???
2012-11-19 04:50:40 Bouncing Bella You people kill me, lol. This is a dark fantasy story. Not a true stroy. If it bothers you so much, why do u keep coming on this sight reading it. Go to the store and buy a,regular book. Oh my bad, cause u like to read this stuff. Thats why. And fucking stop comminting anonymously. Have some balls use your user name. Or shut the fuck up Pussy.
2012-11-21 07:33:19 Favorite Uncle I loved it. I dont give a damn about paragraphs or puncuatiin. Im hear to cum not get a english leason. You people need help. Shit go to a fucking adult book store if u want litteracy. Shit!
2012-11-21 07:34:25 Favorite Uncle Write more I want to.know what happens next.