Comments from Steviedoor

Date Story title Comment
2011-11-23 23:29:21 1950s-60s Boylust, pt.1 Not sure but I think Anon that wrote the comment about screwing the girls must have posted here by accident. It's not a comment but a totally unrelated story, and has nothing to do with mine, which is a true account of some of my boyhood experiences. No big deal, but you might wanna post your own stories, with genre, etc.
2011-11-28 14:29:11 Under the bleachers with Tony To the anon that dug it: thanks. Otherwise, like the obviously intelligent reader commented, my story is in the gay section. I couldn't have been more clear that this has gay, boy-boy, etc. content, so why would someone read it if they "hate homos"... if they came to it by mistake, same point, why 'keep' reading. Finally, this site is clearly open for all sexual pref and experiences, so I don't get why anyone would make that kind of comment here. Fine to comment on the writing, etc. but this ain't the place to express one's homophobia, y'know. I don't usually respond to this kind of thing but I did this one time, and I think most people on here look at it the same. Damn, anybody who's freaked out by sex: gay or any other kind, should go elsewhere. I've wanted to write about my experiences for a long time so I'm gonna do it. 'Nuff said.
2011-11-28 15:35:40 Twins n best buds Xlll Love to read you guys' stuff. This one 's familiar territory for me, been in same situation a few times with guys like Paul, at least as far as you've told. Anyway, just shootn' a note. Found this site and first thing I read was one of yours, 'cause I messed around with some buddies of mine in school: twins, and it was hot, so your stories caught my eye and they're great. I've only posted 2 or 3. Anyway, you guys keep writing. peaceback bros
2011-12-27 13:46:05 Active duty Hot story! I like all kinds, fiction too, but true stories turn me on most I think. I don't know for sure of course but sense this one's a true one. I've written 2 or 3, all true recollections, but so far about my teen years and yours has got me thinking about later on. Some of my hottest times were with a Navy dude (I know, Marines are hot too, hell yeah). We're both bi and we sometimes hooked up with chicks but were into each other mostly. Anyway, I'm going on too long here, just wanted to say, fuck yeah, this gave me a major boner, so mission accomplished man, write more.
2011-12-27 14:00:25 Under the bleachers with Tony Hey... thanks for all the comments and PMs. Yeah, I'm gonna write more about Tony and me. I try to write about stuff as it happened, as accurate as I can. Wish I could write fiction as good as some of these on here, but got plenty of true accounts left to tell. Oh yeah... the guy who wrote that he thinks he went to school with me and Tony, please PM me!! Hell yeah! Thanks to all, so many hot stories on here it's hard to stop reading and write, but will do it again soon. Stevie