Comments from Steviedoor

Date Story title Comment
2012-01-15 18:14:18 Teen Brothers Growing Up Yeah, very good story, especially for a first write, hell period. I especially like true stories and I relate to yours. I was really sexual at an early age and have written only true stories on here too. It's a cool site because you can tell about stuff and be open. Anyway, great effort and hot!
2012-01-15 18:28:19 Swim Team Buddies (My House) Yeah man, hot story! Needless to say, pay no attention to ignorant homophobic comments, I got a bunch on mine too, not worth mentioning really, so 'nuff said. I like true stories and I sure relate to yours, as I was really sexual very young. Anyway, good stuff. xxstevie
2012-01-20 23:21:42 The Sleepover II: Part 2 Yeah man, hot story; brings back memories (I did stuff with lots of my friends from age 10 on up). I like other true stories like mine, and yours is hot!.
2012-01-26 08:04:45 I love my little brother Yeah! A hot story for sure! Damn, it's great to read one not only hot but written well, in all aspects: grammar, spelling, but most important is economy... it delivers right out, no unnecessary rambling, etc. Of course none of this would matter if he story itself wasn't a turn on, and it is. A lot of stories on here are hot and I get off on em but are pretty bad in all these areas... they would just be better if written well. Anyway, now I'm rambling... I write stories on here as well and came across yours actually by accident, but glad I did. Yeah!
2012-02-17 10:04:18 Chapter 1 - Nate & Ryan Very good start! Hope you keep going.