Comments from Leomac32

Date Story title Comment
2011-12-08 04:19:46 Homecoming, The Worst Week of My Life Read it from 1st part to last great story, as a true story Fact is always better than fiction and there is no substitute for real life experience as is portayed by your memoirs
2011-12-10 01:56:28 What happens under the covers...stays under the covers... The grammar and punctiuation Nai's aside, it was a very stimulating and erotic story. Me, not being an English Major, did not notice it for its grammatical errors but for its content and detail. Good Job and keep writing.
2011-12-11 18:10:52 Kelsey part 1 Awesome and loved the fact you waited until she was legal
2011-12-11 18:12:12 Kelsey part 2 Part 2 just as good as part1 great story respectful but still passionate and not too far fetched
2011-12-11 19:55:37 Sophie's Summer Holiday Great Plot well written would love to see the losse ends tied up in the next installment......There is going to be another installment right