Comments from gorilla52

Date Story title Comment
2012-07-15 21:35:07 The Academic and the Nymphomaniac reedit Chapter Two Thank the Goddess, I fixed the punctuation problem. I hope you folks enjoy the re-edit I feel it is easier to read and fills in some gaps. Chapter 3 will be much longer. Leave comemts and tell me what you want as this is my first attempt at serial novela and a learning experience. Gorilla52
2012-07-15 21:43:35 The Academic and the Nymphomaniac Chapter Two I fixed the technical problems and re-wrote chapter 2 so read the re-edit and tell me what you think. Anon reader 2012-07-13 19:00:21- I don't want to give too much away but your comment is on the top of my project notes. (YOU dont think I wright this stuff off the top of my head do you? LOL) Every one who comments deserves a deep kiss from Vicky, to bad she is a figment. TA TA FOR NOW Gorilla52
2012-07-15 21:46:09 The Academic and the Nymphomaniac reedit Chapter Two This bites, no spell check for comments!!!!! Can you say spoiled boys and girls?
2012-07-19 00:08:57 The Academic and the Nymphomaniac reedit Chapter Two I will post chapter Friday 7/18/2012 after I finish the edit.
2012-07-20 13:50:10 The Academic and the Nymphomaniac Chapter 3 Why don't I check compleatly before I repost ?