Comments from Mafia Bitch

Date Story title Comment
2012-04-23 21:33:17 Across the Hall I would love to see the daughter do the mom too...that would b e hot!
2012-05-19 03:32:59 Wicked Mom Saga Part 1 She Seduces Daughter’s Fuck Buddy Fuck me...I am a college student and my cunt cum shot all over my bed over this fuckin good you have to tell us how she fucks her own hot little girl. Mom and daughter incest stories always make me wet.
2012-06-07 03:18:11 Vixen (1) Hey make spaces at the end of paragraphs...this hurts my eyes
2012-07-06 03:28:15 The Ordinary Housewife lovely pacing...great voice...and very hot...made me sooo wet
2012-07-08 05:09:08 Horney Single Mom Fucks Her Hot Babysitter thank you for being so twisted! True confession...I seduced my husband was in Iraq and I was so horney, she was so hot and sexy like Misty in this story, the ending took me by made my cunt cm so friggin hard