Comments from tazonda94

Date Story title Comment
2015-07-12 21:40:30 It's A Good Day to Die Chapter 1 (cont'd)Thing is they are something almost everyone can relate too. Yes they are not everyone's cup of tea but if that is what he chooses to write than so be it. like ghost said many people pick a style and stick to it. Hell Steven King is known for horror even though he has done other styles. And thank you ghost for the kind words of encouragement.
2015-09-25 19:34:32 It's A Good Day to Die Chapter 1 You know what various anonymous trolls...... it doesn't take a set of balls to sit behind a screen playing anon and talk shit. If you had any guts u'd create an id, post ur little whiny bitch comment and then write your own story so I can comment on yours. This is free entertainment so as far as I am concerned you can suck me off.
2015-10-03 17:33:21 An Incest Birthday Chapter 34 I agree with Bigman7307. Thank you for such a great story. I will miss it but like he said maybe a offshoot of updates or even a sequel as they have twins who end up falling in love one birthday. But one again thank you for the wonderful ride.
2015-10-13 17:20:05 It's A Good Day To Die Chapter 3 Alternate Actually u can't have weapons on base. Matt and company aren't located on a base. And to all those that have liked the series thank you from the bottom of hawk's and my hearts
2016-06-26 00:48:31 A Family Betrayal Chapter 41_(0) too stupid to remember more than a couple paragraphs...neg to pyroclast and jeff77275. I have read multiple stories that make all of Hawk's put together look like a single chapter being several anthologies exploring life. I am sorry YOU'RE too small minded to enjoy a worked out story versus fuck the bitch and leave.