Comments from southerngentleman87

Date Story title Comment
2012-03-05 11:04:38 me and my sister_(2) needs some more details & could be longer but cant wait for chapter 2 please continue to improve & post new stories
2012-04-05 04:19:32 Doomsday, the day my life changed! ok thank you for the comment & i use ampersan alot so im sorry it bugs you. now as for the mispellings i ran a spell checker on it & fixer all the errors it found so if there are any more left here im sorry for it. spelling was never one of my strong points, but im sure even if there are mistakes u could understand what i said so its all good
2012-04-07 05:22:33 Doomsday, the day my life changed! ok thanks to everyone for commenting & giving their suggestions, i made Cory be blunt about things for a reason that will be clearer in the up coming stories, i know the grammer & spelling mistakes are off-putting to some of u & i truely am sorry for that but writing is the one thing that ive never been very good at so if you guys will bare with me i'll try my best to get better. now as for when i will have another part out, well im not really sure right now. i have someone to proof read & help me catch the mistakes now so i will be posting a (fixed) chapter1 soon but i still have more brain storming to do for ch2
2012-04-09 05:35:09 Doomsday (Fixed and edited) I will continue the story but writing isnt one of my strong points, so please be paitant while i finish the new chapters. The story and concept are mine but the editing was done by a friend so they are the real reason the story is as good as it is so i will pass on the praise and thank you to all of you who enjoyed it.
2012-05-04 14:55:50 Doomsday (Fixed and edited) ok the the people waiting for another chapter im sorry for the wait and have a second chapter in the works but real life shit keeps getting in the way of getting it done so please bare with me. thank you.