2012-11-26 09:48:43 |
Doomsday (Fixed and edited)
ok i have a new chapter done and editing should be done soon i hope but if not ill just post the "raw" story on here within a week. to everyone that waited on the next chapter thank you and im truly sorry for the long wait but i had real life get in the way and a major case of writers block. |
2012-11-30 04:46:48 |
Doomsday (Fixed and edited)
well bad news all those of you looking forward to the next chapter of doomsday, my editor has things to do that make it impossible for him to edit my new chapter so ill still release the raw story on 12/3 so you can read that one but its not the final version so please bare that in mind when posting comments. |
2012-12-07 16:50:57 |
Thinkers meet doer
ok not complaining but you need to proof read when you paste stories onto here because the formatting messes up quite a bit, but besides that good story and i look forward to reading more. |
2012-12-23 11:42:41 |
doomsday ch 2
i know and im sorry about the delay but i just couldnt find time to write unless i was burnt out from work, but i have ch3 almost done and should post it by the first of 2013 |
2013-01-21 15:35:58 |
doomsday ch 2
ok first i must say im sorry and i know i let people down by not posting chapter 3 when i said i would but my cpu had a meltdown and i just got it fixed. i have the chapter wrote down and i will type and post it asap. again sorry to everyone that was looking forward to the next chapter and feel free to yell in my inbox all u want. |