Comments from rokkins

Date Story title Comment
2012-04-21 19:09:23 My Little Neighbor Cathy I am interested on comment said it is illegal to post this so free speech is illegal now?or does that person define free speech I thought people could say anything in a country that has free speech... Guess I am wrong good story though keep them coming.
2012-05-10 02:25:25 Little GIrls Pussy_(1) Well i have seen that I shjould maybe stay away from poems and stick to stories love the feedback
2017-05-10 21:24:18 The End of the World but New Start I wrote this drunk and I was like sure I will post it without proofreading. I should go back and edit, the spelling grammar and the flow of the story some day. I am also sure the pace of the story and the fleshing out of the sex scenes is also bad. Maybe I will start over since this is pretty terrible. I guess I write drunk how I would write sober in elementary school...