Comments from Karax

Date Story title Comment
2013-04-29 04:30:21 Supernatural Nation: The Beginning of the End For the fucker two down from me post about looking for a girl go drink some anti freeze. For the person complaining about the Mirianas Trench is clearly say the dome will extend 500 miles down the trench not down "into" the trench as that would give you a vertical dome which would be useless every single supernatural could defy gravity and walk on walls. The Earth crust is less then a hundred miles at its thickest it is impossible for it to go that far down, ergo I was speaking of length not depth. Thanks for reading.
2013-06-07 19:08:00 Monster U. Alright first of all it is youkai not Inari in every source where I have found it. Secondly do not ask me to reply to something when you have posted a comment as an anon. user. Lastly if you are going to correct someone try and make sure the information you are providing is at least accurate.
2013-06-07 19:10:15 Monster U. And I don't give a fuck if your annoyed By these these stories. I will post when I HAVE THE FUCKING TIME. I am not going to give you a date when it will be updated because I don't know, I don't fucking tell the future. I will get done when it gets done and not a moment before.
2013-06-07 19:11:25 Monster U. And summer doesn't affect when I write my stories. I still have a fucking job and still have other responsibilities so chill the fuck out.
2013-09-10 01:38:19 Fate: Chapter 4 I'm glad those of you who enjoy my writings give feedback. To the dumbass motherfucker who claims the link redirects to a portuguese site shut the fuck up. I wrote the website code myself so I know exactly where the link goes. Stop trying to cause trouble! Dipshit.