Comments from Trib Fan

Date Story title Comment
2021-02-14 13:27:13 His mom teaches us I agree that the build up was too fast....even for ME!
2021-02-14 13:22:41 Brenda Jerks off with the boys Started out really hot but 'mom' got too controlling for my excitement.
2021-03-21 11:40:45 I found my moms OnlyFans account It's too tough to read huge blocks of type so I suggest more paragraphs to break it up.
2021-03-23 11:13:31 family camping trip_(1) Fun sister....I enjoy stories like this one! Thumbs up from me!
2021-03-23 11:13:14 family camping trip_(1) Fun sister....I enjoy stories like this one! Thumbs up from me!