Comments from Trib Fan

Date Story title Comment
2012-04-25 11:07:13 Sister surrenders to her emotions Very hot reading....I love the way she's teasing him with the 'taboo' of it all, but would like to see her admitting that she liked it as much as he did.... 8 out of 10 from me....
Want to read more....
2012-04-29 00:57:32 Just a little fun- Part2 I don't like blackmail stories. I don't like forcing somebody into sex even if she was for it.....
I don't like stories where double 'D's and 6 to 7 inch dicks are mentioned. That isn't necessary and actually brings the story down a notch.
So I gave this whole thing a thumbs down.
Fair for a first effort, but far from what I think is an erotic story.
2012-04-29 00:59:35 lonley mommy The first fucking word in the title is mis-spelled!
That's where I stopped reading!
Go back to school!
2012-04-29 01:11:00 Discovering my daughter (My first story) Yeah...I liked it although Becca was too forward in my estimatation. I think she controlled the situation too much and it would have been more exciting to read had she been more demure, and a little bit reluctant at first. It started to sound as though she had had lots of sex before this encounter....
2012-04-30 01:03:44 Starting young..._(1) I had sex with other boys at a young age too and it was naughty and really really fun. All the time I would have preferred a girl but girls weren't available and willing male partners were available. I have fond memories of those times so long ago. I've only had sex with a female since 1971 though. I'd love to have a 'bi' foursome some day.