Comments from Xantesfire

Date Story title Comment
2012-04-26 11:24:19 Chapter 2 - Daddy in the Mens Room Love this story. Shared it with a girl I chat online with and she came from reading it.
2012-05-02 09:10:30 Daddy Knows Best Loved this story and hope to see more.

And I don't understand why all these people read incest stories when they don't understand them. There is a lot of incest happening in the world, some of it consensual, some of it abuse. Unfortunately all of it, to these people, is marred by the abuse.
2012-05-05 02:48:50 Little sis, Big sis, and Me Wow, this was hot.wish I didn't read it at work, I need to jerk off and I'm leaking so much pre-cum, I have a large dark spot on my pants. Again my only problem is I want more but I'm guessing that's ur practice, to leave the readers wanting more.
I'm amazed at what some of the readers finds ”unbelievable” just because they didn't experience when I was 7 I used to finger a couple of girls on the playground, but I didn't know how blowjobs and jerking off til I was about 13
2012-05-05 02:58:41 Little sis, Big sis, and Me Oops, accidentally posted before I was finished.I meant I didn't know how blowjobs and jerking off worked til I was 13.I couldn't ask my friends cause then they would tease me, parents out of the question, I wish the internet was around. So I found a magazine that had people giving blowjobs. And jerking off, one day I was squeezing it and it these kids being naive in some parts is understandable to me.
2012-05-21 11:17:47 I Did My Brother II Good story. wish my fun with my sisters hadn't ended when we got caught when I was 7.