2013-08-20 19:05:44 |
Well aren't you quite the pedophile Anon 1 |
2013-08-21 03:37:05 |
And yet, Anon2, I fail to see you making any attempt to write a better one. And if you have, I do very much apologise, your sheer cowardice of deciding to reply as an Anon has prevented me seeing.
One other thing, if you're going to articulate your dislike of the story, give a fucking reason or two. There are plenty of things about this story i don't like, and i'm the author. And don't you dare gimme a reason like "Don't like the themes" because I'll just reply "I gave you plenty of warning you dumb cunt"
All in all, I think everyone in the known universe can safely assume you're a cowardly cunt who likes to insult things for the sake of it can't find a good reason to justify his/her dislike. |
2013-08-21 03:39:06 |
Anyone ELSE want to try their luck in the comments? I'm only being fair. If you don't like the story, TELL ME why and I'll accept the criticism, unless there's some massive flaw in the logic. If you do like the story, TELL ME, it balances out the low IQ of dumb cunts like Anon 2 |
2013-08-21 06:35:40 |
Oops, posted that as an anon. It is me, haha XD |
2013-08-21 17:27:09 |
Ok, this is my lowest rated story so far, and I wanna know why. If you're a reader, new to the series with this story or someone who's read them all, please explain? Thanking you.
And thank YOU Anon1. For some reason you're the only commenter, when usually my stories get several comments in the first few hours. |