Comments from DigitalDragon

Date Story title Comment
2013-04-02 11:33:57 Actually it's not stolen, it is just a re-post of the the same story that was posted on February 26th. But the author is the same person so leave he alone or give positive feedback as this story deserves.
2013-04-19 07:31:54 My week with Mandy by funguy it's rape of an underage girl. even if sex was consensual at first, it's not when the woman repeats NO multiple times. and its not "role play" when only the male is enjoying the experience. note the descriptions of her actions and fear and her crying herself to sleep at the end.
2013-05-19 11:53:02 Ticonderoga – Episode 1: Adrift I was really starting to get into the story until It mentioned the rule that forces everyone to have sex with a member of the opposite gender if told to. Why do gays get the right of refusal, but straights are forced into unwanted sex? I completely lost interest at that point, since I absolutely despise rape (or forced sex for those who think they are different things). this is very depressing to me because I am a huge fan of the "return" series and plan to buy the book, and I was really hoping to get a chance to continue enjoying your other stories. I did not vote on this post, since I stopped reading after the rules part anyway. I hope there is another story in the future that comes out once you finish posting all of these episodes. I'll continue to check back to see.
2013-05-27 00:25:05 Ticonderoga – Episode 1: Adrift Well I decided to go ahead and finish reading this and I'm glad I did.
2013-05-27 00:32:11 Ticonderoga – Episode 2: Derelict Awesome episode even though I figured out the sleeping girl was the "ghost" when the bag of toys was found on the shuttle. I have a feeling that "Mighty Mouse" is going to be one of my favorite characters, just please don't give her any red shirts to wear. LOL