Comments from pcarval

Date Story title Comment
2012-07-13 06:31:25 Swinging in the Neighborhood Chapter 28 The Daughter War Begins Hi Wall Eye: Lots of folks getting upset about some remarks! I read them and thought - now this will be interesting! I also re-read your story 'cover to cover' and read the remarks again.
I would say that you are approaching a part of your life that is emotionally wrung out. I can visualize the strain as this is causing difficulties breathing let alone thinking(?)
2012-07-13 06:38:57 Swinging in the Neighborhood Chapter 28 The Daughter War Begins Cont.; You have a wonderful story to tell... somebody has 'difficulties'; this isn't a problem as there was nothing derogatory; it does serve to show that people are reading and analyzing what you say. Not everybody accepts the Bible as 'de facto' - do they?
As you reach this critical stage of your story, take care -
2012-07-13 06:44:54 Swinging in the Neighborhood Chapter 28 The Daughter War Begins Cont: - precision in your writing comes 'under strain' - your mind is at supersonic and your fingers lag behind. Your fingers may not be telling the story the way your mind is remembering! Afterwards your proof reading is faulty because your mind fills the gaps and may not 'see' the differences(?) Cont...
2012-07-13 06:51:19 Swinging in the Neighborhood Chapter 28 The Daughter War Begins Cont.: Use such remarks to give yourself a shake. Compare what you wrote to what YOU remember. If its exact - no problem. If not -simply re-write & re-post. At the end IT IS your story and there's a whole lot of folks who want to hear the 'how, what and why'. Be not discouraged - the way forward is one step, followed by another and...