Comments from CrimsonSun

Date Story title Comment
2012-06-08 12:41:29 GIRL WHO CAME BACK very nice story, really enjoyed it.
2012-06-08 12:43:03 GIRL WHO CAME BACK my mistake, had this on the wrong tab, meant to say that to "My cousin, Beth
2012-06-08 12:43:31 My Cousin, Beth Very nice story, really enjoyed it
2012-06-09 13:38:52 GIRL WHO CAME BACK To the person below, I added Sarah because I felt like there had to be a choice, the choice we always have. Play it safe or take the risk.
Sarah was the 'playing it safe'. And trust me, I have no intention of it becoming a threesome, that'll ruin the whole story in my eyes.
2012-06-09 16:31:31 GIRL WHO CAME BACK hmm...probably should have mentioned that somewhere...
Fair point