Comments from The Midnight Shade

Date Story title Comment
2012-07-08 03:52:32 The Moon_(0) Lol, doesn't sound like a bad idea but sorry, I'm already taken.
2012-07-14 04:03:06 First Time Zombie Fucker: a NTFHC! story Wow, extremely good. I hope you'll check out a few of my stories. There not as good as this mainly because yours was rivetingly detailed. It was great.
2012-07-14 04:05:40 First Time Zombie Fucker: a NTFHC! story Wow, extremely good. I hope you'll check out a few of my stories. There not as good as this mainly because yours was rivetingly detailed. It was great.
2012-07-16 03:02:03 A cold, stormy night. Extreme spelling errors, don't really think it belongs in dark fantasy, the detail was dully explained, all short words, so use a dictionary, also the sex scene was like a quarter of the already short story. You may want to split your sentances/ paragraphs up. Use your computer to look up synynoms if you need to for your storys. Keep trying theyvwill get better. I like imagery you conveyed however. It was like a long poem.
2012-07-16 03:17:46 How I fucked my neighbors' incredibly hot 16-year-old gymnast daughter. - Pt. 1 Very good story, the detail was brillent an also, good for you man.