Comments from Bleeding Rainbow

Date Story title Comment
2012-09-17 20:19:29 The Templar Belles - Parts I - VII To 2012-09-17 02:45:56, part 1:

I find that the sex scenes actually bog me down more than anything (I know, huh?), but if it'll help to alleviate your fears, here's a general outline of what's going to happen next. Ariel will be reporting back to her organization and getting further instructions; Bella continues to develop her skills under her daddy's tutelage, but there's a matter concerning another relationship she has to resolve; Chloe receives some on-the-job training from her master as the two of them try to track down the Archbishop through the girls he's been forced to abandon; the Archbishop meets with his splinter faction and is introduced to an unexpected member.
2012-09-17 20:19:51 The Templar Belles - Parts I - VII To 2012-09-17 02:45:56, part 2:

I'm going to stick to the multiple POV format, otherwise known as an "Episodically Limited" narrative, because of the advantages known to be offered by this technique. There's not enough room here to list them all, but the most useful of them is that while the POV character can never purposely mislead the reader (since you're inside their head), their observations and opinions may not necessarily be accurate. And yes, I'm a big fan of ASOIAF, and with casts this large and locales this varied, being able to jump between points of view is extremely useful.