Comments from ClockworkOrange

Date Story title Comment
2012-07-28 15:51:29 U L T R A - V I O L E N C E @Anonymous reader
2012-07-23 08:54:48

2012-07-29 14:19:21 U L T R A - V I O L E N C E I do specify that i use the same characters and basic plot as the film, also the singing in the rain scene wasnt in the book as you said, but added in the film by Stanley Kubrick to make the rape scene less brutal which I also done due to complaints from the original posting. My apologies to anyone that I may have offended. I also only placed those notes at the beginning, which I created myself, so readers wouldn't be lost in the plot and language as the may not have seen or read a clockwork orange. What I have written here is my own version of the story using the same characters and themes.