Comments from wishful thinker0978

Date Story title Comment
2013-01-01 08:12:32 My sister and me at Christmas- part 2 A very well written story, keep up the solid work. I like the fact that you put a good amount of work into the characters, making the readers either hate or in this case like them.
2013-01-01 08:13:07 My sister and me at Christmas- part 2 A very well written story, keep up the solid work. I like the fact that you put a good amount of work into the characters, making the readers either hate or in this case like them.
2013-01-02 07:02:14 From Friend, to Stepsister, to Lover? Part 3 I am interested in receiving part of the plot if you want to pm me it. A great read so far, keep it up. The character depth is my favorite part thus far.