Comments from USSTemplar
Date | Story title | Comment |
2012-11-06 16:09:56 | Avatar : The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar | I am very sorry for not posting anything at all until now. My phone was stolen from me and i only got it back a week ago to discover that all of my phones data including all the continuations of the Stories i have posted had been deleted. As a result I will try to post anything towards them that i possibly can Thank You! |
2012-11-11 18:23:26 | Avatar : The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar | Dear Readers Due to my attempt previously (prior to the theft and memory wipe of my phone) i had attempted to fully complete my storylineand release each part every Saturday, I believe O will contine doing this as I have been able to recover a few drafts on my Computer on certain parts of the story (The ending starting from Katara announcing to the group about Korra's bending, and the event tbat occurs when Tenzin is at City Hall talking to Tarrlock about Korra's capture) let me know what you think on this. Also I would like to know if you would all like me to write about Raidens travels with Aang throughout Avatar: The Last Airbended. And as a side note to this I would also like all your opinions on whether to include the Sex Scenes for legend of Korra and (if any) in TLA in the main story parts or as a separate part as it does tend to break up my rhythm when I am writing |
2012-11-28 11:51:25 | Avatar : The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar Part 2B | Dear Readers, Just to let you all know I am taking suggestions for characters you want in my FanFics on Skyrim, Resident Evil and Lord of the Rings. Just PM me with all the details on their apypearence, attitude, personality, skills, abilities etc. and I will try to work them into the story. They must also be original to an extent, they can't just be characters ripped from franchises such as Final Fantasy or Halo, you must come up with them yourselves and you must be willing to change them in accordance to fit the story. From USSTemplar |
2012-12-09 20:57:44 | Avatar : The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar | To guy below me When I fucking write a story it is my fucking story not yours. When i write a fan fic I change the very world its based in by adding things and chamging things at my own leisure. It becomes my own story. If I want Korra to die in Part 4 she will if I want a magical motherfucking unicorn with mental disablilities to ride through the streets of Republic City killing people before it goes super nova and blows up the world it will. I don't change character s, I add new ones and change events through my own characters involvement it is how you right a fan fic dumb fuck. If you don't like it FINE, keep your opinion to your fucking self. Neg vote and fuck off for all I care. I don't need to get any facts straight I added in Raiden where I could, his creation changed the Universe of Avatar. It creates in essence an Alternative Realm in whch this story takes place. I can write whatever the cuck I want however the fuck I want. Off is the direction in which you should fuck Assh |
2013-01-23 16:17:06 | Avatar : The Legend of Korra and the Immortal Avatar Part 3 | Dear Readers I feel I must apologise to you all as it has become my decision to quit writing the LOK Fan Fic purely on the basis that it has become near impossible for me to write do to sone form of Writers Block I seem to be experiencing. You can fill in any of the plot holes or even continue the story if you like, I may post the few scenes I managed to finish but I will most certainly post its conclusion effect of immediately which will allow for a greater understanding of my new Elder Scrolls Fan Fic. I am gravely sorry to all who wanted to see it completed. |