Comments from snapperbox

Date Story title Comment
2012-12-22 10:05:45 Case Study 301: Pink Polka Dot Daisy Dukes this was a complete departure from your other stories but i couldn't stop reading after the rapist pulled out a knife. i actually felt the fear for that girl.
2012-12-23 21:04:57 Case Study 301: Pink Polka Dot Daisy Dukes just finished reading this for the third time. There is a depth here that you never written with before. the father in the present nonchalantly says that there was a home invasion. His daughter is molested while at the same time his daughter describes her rape to her therapis thousands of miles away. It was absolutely chilling as she described her haunting memories. I was rivited the whole way through
2013-01-09 23:33:47 Case Study 301: Pink Polka Dot Daisy Dukes Jintina don't listen to all these blow holes. This story is so like way intense. I've read it at least five times now and voted positive each time. I think it took a lot of courage to write about something so dark as nobody wants this to happen to another human being. Although it does happen in real life almost every day. Instead of looking at it negatively perhaps if this story has shocked you then perhaps you can go out and volunteer to help those people in need.
2013-04-01 15:28:39 Case Study 301: A daughter's Rebel Yell Another great story Love them all!!! Now you have to get all of them in one big fucking orgy Babe let the licking, sucking begin Love it
2013-09-26 01:15:32 Case Study 301: My first webcast makes me a Star! OMG took forever to read but I agree with the others some grammar is off but I think it is on purpose for affect. positive from me. next time you leave the country please leave us with a fresh copy of your new work before you go.