Comments from Ragenox

Date Story title Comment
2013-11-01 13:37:51 Creating the Pack ch 1_(1) I appreciate all the comments they to are inspiring. I would also like to say that this series does have vampires but the story itself is actually based on Ben being a werewolf not a vampire. You will all find out more when the next chapter is finished. I was reading the comments this morning when I came across one that mentioned that I should make the chapters longer and after seeing for my self how short it was on this site I agree it seemed a lot longer when I was writing it in my composition note book. So I will start making them longer and when the series is finished I will publish it all as a whole and I don't recommend waiting to read till then because I plan on making this series a long one. :)
2014-09-19 05:43:20 Creating the Pack ch 1_(1) SPOILER CONTINUATION
His Werewolf blood hasn't awakened yet but starts to in the stripper club and when he bit his sister his instinct led him to bite her so now she will turn into a Albino Breed werewolf and each breed has its own specific hair and fur color to show their breed. For example the Albino Breed has whie fur when in beast form and white hair in human form. so their hair color will change as well. As I said you will learn more laterwhen the story is complete. Oh I almost for got I decided to follow up on a suggestion from one of the comments to focus more on the story than the sex but rest asured there will be sex just not as much of it and dont worry I will try to make the sex as graphic as possible. :)
2015-02-08 09:20:24 A Sisters Bond Thanks I actually finished it a few days ago and only just got the chance to publish. I am currently working on the details of a new series set in the Harry Potter universe, FAN FICTION.
2015-09-12 13:32:10 Fate: Chapter 4 I have decided to carry on this story as of now, however it will be a week or two until the chapter comes out. I'll have to read up on some Greek mythology and get the other chapters PLOT points written down so I Don't leave the important data out. Like most of you this story has grabbed my attention and I wish to see the end. :)