Comments from phyco

Date Story title Comment
2012-10-30 13:13:52 Double Dose of Bad Seed 6.4: The CD's As always thank you secret :).
2012-10-30 19:52:05 Double Dose of Bad Seed 6.4: The CD's I wouldn't worry about JJ being dominate its in his blood lol
2012-11-02 09:52:26 Double Dose of Bad Seed 6.5: Bonding No not scared of Rick in a phyical way.
More trying to come to grips with why
melody makes him feel he needs her
Remember this is all new to JJ so he trying
To figure it out.
2012-11-02 17:28:58 Double Dose of Bad Seed 6.5: Bonding Let's see where to begin fucktard. I find it amusing you continue to read every story and complain. You can neg vote all you want I don't follow that crap all being on the first page does is bring more fucking retards like you. I can explain it to you fucktard but I can't understand it for you. Being your such a master a writing please leave your name so we may all be enlightened by your literary skill or are you yet another one of those that hasn't posted a single story.
2012-11-03 02:09:26 Double Dose of Bad Seed 6.5: Bonding He's just like most fucking retards they look normal until they open their mouth to speak then you realize what a fucktard he is. Do us all a favor and get back on the little short bus and ride it over to another story.