Comments from DaringDad2

Date Story title Comment
2015-01-08 09:51:20 A New Day, A New You part 5 Great chapter waiting to see where you take tho part of the series now that his training is finished. Keep on writing and remember you tell a good tale and follow through leading into the next section.
2015-09-12 15:08:30 Empire Prologue and Chapter 1 revision. Great start to this story watching and waiting for more of it. Keep on writing.
2015-10-01 14:17:37 Dead Stick 2 Good story so far looking forward to more of it so we can see if Celina's treatment holds.
2016-01-14 16:23:36 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 1 Interesting start to this polar opposite of Guy's story. Will keep watching for part 2 and see how it goes from here. Keep on writing as you have a good imagination.
2016-02-29 22:33:59 A Wisard I Am 2 It is a shame you didn't write more of this part of the story. It feels lacking leaving it with them on the road.