Comments from TheDarkPrincess

Date Story title Comment
2012-11-28 12:28:05 With death comes love I know it just sort of end's, Misses out a lot of the sad scenes and then just finishes..Couldn't be bothered carrying on with it anymore, I'm not comfortable in this section, I'm happier with fantasy more so than death/sadness
2012-11-30 18:54:05 With death comes love I would like to thank the few people who gave this story a positive rating, Thanks to you people it gave me the confidence to give writing one last try, A step back into my comfort zone for one last fantasy story with a few strange little twists
2012-12-16 18:45:48 Not Got A Name!!! *So there she lay, The blood slowly poured out of each and every little cut she had caused herself, This was her final end, She couldn't carry on with the life she would have to live knowing she would never see her best friend Alex ever again, He had just spent the past few months protecting her from the people who would seek to cause her harm, He was gone and yet each and everyday he somehow helped her from beyond the grave, That same grave she now lay atop as she slowly slipped away*
2012-12-16 18:46:01 Not Got A Name!!! *Alex was never truly gone, He had been watching Alice all the time, He couldn't stop her, He couldn't protect her this time, He just had to sit back and watch as she slowly took her life. He did two good things for her that night though, The first been the way he sat with her as she slowly slipped away, The second been the strangest choice of all, He knew Alice would suffer for what she had done so he chose to make a bargain, One that would protect her atleast for a short while, What was that bargain you ask, Well he gave his soul, His only chance at a new life, Gave it all away and asked for eternal punishment so Alice would be given rebirth, A second chance at life, A brand new start, A life where she would never remember her old life, Most of all she would never remember Alex.*
2012-12-28 17:28:55 Not Got A Name Update!! I know this part is a little different from the first, Probably because I chose to use first person as much as possible, Anyways hope it's going as you people hoped it would :)