Comments from Chapter666

Date Story title Comment
2014-07-14 18:02:07 The Best Therapy ch. 05 This is the kind of stories I look for everytime I come to this site, you are one talented writer my freind. Thank so mush for sharing your work woith us and as a responce to the first commernt you should never sacrifice Quality for Speed, keep up the good work and thank you again !
2013-01-06 13:57:15 Mom's So Hot! Chapter One-Ten Great story, I cant wait to read the next part! wich I am going to do now :)
2015-03-07 19:41:54 Emma and her Mom, (Chap 4) Just read the whole thing, Loved it :D your are doing great work
2015-03-27 19:28:54 TimeStop - Day 6 Just read trough this again, damn I love it. If you ever see this StoryGal, thanks man, one of the best series I ever read, even if it breaks my heart just little that its not finnished.

Much live enad thanks again!