Comments from unknown face

Date Story title Comment
2012-09-02 03:44:44 Billys lasy campout there isnt realy any point in posting those, they dont affect me and only show that you didnt read the warning. this has only one tag and if you didnt know what it would be about then you are eather stupid or a hipocrit.
2012-09-02 03:45:51 Billys lasy campout there isnt realy any point in posting those, they dont affect me and only show that you didnt read the warning. this has only one tag and if you didnt know what it would be about then you are eather stupid or a hipocrit.
2012-09-02 03:52:58 Billys lasy campout didnt mean to repeat and i wasnt counting dark fantasys as a tag since its the catagory, i only ment the theam.
2012-09-05 15:42:39 Billys lasy campout Thanx and i know it needs editing but i am personaly bad in that department and spell cheak only gets you so far. As or the anatomy, i am by no means an anatomy expert i tried to look up what i could (3D medical programs and such). Athis point idk if i will right more but leaning that way.
2012-09-05 15:48:06 Billys lasy campout Thanx and i know it needs editing but i am personaly bad in that department and spell cheak only gets you so far. As or the anatomy, i am by no means an anatomy expert i tried to look up what i could (3D medical programs and such). Athis point idk if i will right more but leaning that way.