Comments from JWDD

Date Story title Comment
2013-03-30 21:15:01 FIre Class: Falling in Love I look forward to reading the rest of your story... JWDD + ....JWDD (for my post below, I forgot to add my signature at the end, how unprofessional of me. tut tut)
2013-04-10 21:14:00 Fire Class Going To School Oh my god, are you magical, this new post has soo many similarities to me story even the parts I haven't posted yet. Well not the fire masters stuff but weapons and practice arena's. Also your writing is rather brief, try to put some more information into your lessons as (The teacher show up.... I was well versed by the end) style isn't that exciting. I mean I'm probably not the best role model but when I write about a lesson I fill it out, or skip the time period of that lesson entirely..,,,JWDD