Comments from A2O

Date Story title Comment
2013-03-30 09:23:43 Chace McCartson - Part IV Part V is already published, but the story didn't show yet. I'm waiting until tonight to see if it is stuck or if it is just a normal delay.

2013-03-31 13:39:29 Chace McCartson - Part IV Part V is republished and now can be read.

Anonymous reader
2013-03-31 02:42:26
I know that you'd like the story better if it was only about them two, but there are some things that Chace wanna do (and me too) that he is not doing to Erika. I could explain better if we were talking through messages, because it would contain spoilers. As it is not happening, I'm sorry, but you just have to trust me.

2013-04-01 10:48:50 Chace McCartson - Part V Well, I'll answer all your questions in topics:
1- Candy: I know you think Candy is unnecessary, just as some of you thought that Gabrielle was, and now I'm noticing that she's having a very different level of acceptance now that I'm having the oportunity to show you what is her true hole in the story. Have in mind that a story is composed of both good and bad happenings. If I leave things untouched and running perfectly, the story loses impact. Let me show you why I brought Candy to life, how will it be her thing with Chace and how will Erika react to that. Then you tell me, ok?
2- Chapter in Erika's point of view: Yes, I could certainly do that. I just need the confirmation that readers want me to do that, and that's all. Maybe I'll experiment that in chapter VII, as I'll have a really good plot to explore with her then.
2013-04-01 11:51:12 Chace McCartson - Part V 3- Lack of sex scenes, darkness and description: First of all, this chapter, as I already explained up there, is practically an intro to the next one, as they were meant to be one. I decided to separate them as it would take to long to finish and I was already late. It made me use only one "sex" scene and save three others to the next one. About dark things and violence, don't worry. Believe it or not, the story is in the beginning. I'd say at its 30% or less. You can wait the story to go darker and darker as it goes, trust me. About the descriptions, I'm gonna pay more attention into that, as I'm running against the clock to not let you waiting I'm killing some of the writing. Let's see if I can fix that.
4- I'm doing my best to post the next part around wednesday or thursday, but as always, I can't promise.

I wish I have reader's support until I finish the story (around chapter XV or so) then I'll know if I chose right to keep what I defined for this to be.

2013-04-02 08:39:16 Chace McCartson - Part V Don't mention it, I love to talk to readers, I'm basically fueled by knowing that there are people waiting to read what I write, otherwise I don't find courage to skip studies, work and other stuff only to write when time is so short.
The problem answering to these questions here is that they are spoilers and I would appreciate if those things were said by message, so I can explain things in detail not worrying that someone can read it by misfortune. I hate spoilers and other people do to.
What you need to know about Candy is that she is a mean to an end. She will affect only two aspects of the story: It's aggressivity and ERIKA. Yes, Erika. I can't explain more about it without running into huge spoilers. About her permanence, her hole and other kidnaps, only through message.

What I want you to know is that, again, I don't do things just for doing and that you have to trust me. A normal and monochromatic relationship is not the way for this story to work.
