Comments from CherryNerd

Date Story title Comment
2015-03-27 05:04:12 Real Drake and Niki manaj Sex Tape_(0) Don't post this crap.
2017-04-20 06:24:42 New roommate opens my world well, it certainly isn't a bad story. especially for your first. now, for constructive criticism, i would say that you have a lot of run on sentences. you insert way too many commas. also, having their names before dialogue when they speak isn't really appealing. sure is easier to write, but it doesn't really allow the story to flow. i'll be looking forward to the next part though! write on (:
2017-03-22 06:24:02 My Awakeining_(0) Oh man... Where are your paragraphs? Your quotations to indicate that people are speaking? I'm sorry, but I legit couldn't finish because it looks very unfinished. Added with the numerous spelling errors. Please work on your writing. I seriously logged in just to tell you this.