Comments from Kidnextdoor

Date Story title Comment
2012-11-17 18:32:05 Aunty and I I forgot to say that the sex was fake although my aunt had been in the kitchen when I had the blankets back and my dick hanging, so she might actually have seen it. I jerked off with her right there in the kitchen. They actually did have a kid. So its just the sex between us thats a fantasy.
2012-11-21 14:46:09 Can't wait to read more!!
2012-11-23 13:23:35 Poor Jenny and Joey.
Interesting turn of events, though it didn't take me nearly so long to guess who was the father of Joey.
2012-11-23 17:41:57 OH the cruel and utter suspense!!!
I'm glad I never found this until you finished writing the series.
2012-11-29 16:28:18 Having Sex with Lots of People (parts 1-5) "Some random dude whose name is Josh"
This is funny man. Do you know what's even funnier???