Comments from primo10

Date Story title Comment
2014-07-23 03:19:26 My Husband´s Friend Visits Us Great story and very well written. I hope to read more of your work.
2014-07-23 03:53:04 My Husband´s Friend Visits Us Great story and very well written. I hope to read more of your work.
2014-07-23 03:52:43 My Husband´s Friend Visits Us Great story and very well written. I hope to read more of your work.
2014-07-18 20:47:43 Cougar In The Yukon Part 2 Whats up readers it's me Primo10. I've taken all of your comments into consideration. To those of you who gave me a positive rating I say thank you. To those who apparently see errors in my writing I'm sorry. Perhaps you're right I admit my writing can be sloppy at times, however I think a lot of you are not understanding my style of writing. I often change tenses and add present tense verbs where you might put a period. For example "I leaned back against the headboard watching her". These types of sentences are not errors. They're simply a way to keep the story flowing without ending statements with periods. It's just my style. If you're talking about other errors I may have made please feel free to list them, but instead of focusing on grammar try enjoying the damn story! I try to include as much detail as I can to put all of you right there in the action and I'd much rather my work be judged on the plot and erotic content. Anyway I thank all of you for reading.
2013-09-11 01:48:55 Raping Roz Doyle Hey guys, thanks to the few fans that actually left feedback lol. Im very satisfied with ratings and the number of times it's been read. Anyway Im very close to finishing the second part so relax. It will be out very soon and its just as good as the first one if not better.