Comments from balloonanimal

Date Story title Comment
2012-11-20 23:09:42 Becoming The Favorite II - Henry is Horny Hey guys I see I'm getting slammed with a lot of negative votes, so if you like this be sure rate positive. If you don't like it, be sure to tell me what's wrong with it. I am posting this another site and I'd like to know what's bad before I go embarrass myself elsewhere. Thanks!
2012-11-21 00:44:01 Becoming The Favorite II - Henry is Horny Aw thanks! People have....interesting reasons for rating things down on this site. The score seems to be improving though since people who do like it are voting. I also posted a fixed version that's easy to read. The ending is also a little different in that one, it had to be changed to meet another site's guidelines.
2012-11-24 21:19:46 Fucking My Neighbor and His Sexy Friend Thank you so much! You obviously get exactly why I wrote this. I read a LOT of sex stories and they are all about basically the same girl. It gets monotonous for me. Other girls need love too! Glad you enjoyed, and I will definitely consider a sequel. =)
2012-11-24 23:15:59 Becoming The Favorite II (Formatting Fixed) Oh thank you, I noticed that and changed it before I put it on another site. You can fix errors here though. It's kinda a bummer. :/
2012-11-26 05:53:42 Becoming The Favorite II (Formatting Fixed) Disgusting? It's just playful. And her giving him anal sex would not be a treat just for him. Obviously you've never had anal. Are you another teenager? *sigh*

As for the person who says bring in Every story has a guy getting two girls. I don't write that. I am a girl and I want to read about a guy with eyes for only one girl. I know that doesn't exist, but let me have my fantasy. There are enough stories about horny boys who fuck every vagina in their family. It's unromantic. They don't love any of those chicks - well not beyond a family love - they just want to get laid. Henry is staying with Lizzy because she is the one that loves him most.

If there is a sequel it will be lots of dirty anal fun because that's what I like. And they've already done anything else. There will be no girl-on-girl in any of my stories ever. I'm not even mildly interesting in anything that doesn't have a penis. Sorry!