Comments from SuperScott27

Date Story title Comment
2012-12-08 03:19:20 THE FIRST TIME_(11) You guys are all just being over judgemental. Yes your right it's not a poem but I still found myself getting caught up in it just the same. Good Job.
2012-12-08 03:27:32 Alissa and I Part two This is too hard too read. Write better next time.
2012-12-08 14:36:37 My girl and I's Rollplay I going to have to agree with everyone, as well as add something myself -- WTF!?
2012-12-08 16:09:33 The Great Out doors Day 1 and Morning of 2 Exactly! What's with this crap.
2012-12-11 20:55:21 Stepsister Seduction: Chapter 3: Seducing a new Victim Excellent writing sir