Comments from NightGuardian

Date Story title Comment
2013-04-20 00:03:00 When In Rome - 07 - non-underlined version ;] Please come back. We miss your writing and are dying for more.
2013-04-30 17:34:30 Incestuous Intentions (Part 3) I hope to have part 4 up of this story before Friday, Also I am currently working on another story for you guys, so you can look forward to that too. ;)
2013-05-16 23:47:49 Incestuous Intentions (Part 5) I will again apologize to everyone for any and all spelling, grammar and typo mistakes. It has been difficult writing all of this without a keyboard or proper computer but I won't say that I am a perfect writer or that a good bit of these mistakes aren't mostly my own fault. I am not in high school but I thank you for your honest opinion and feedback anyway and promise to be more careful in the future. x
2013-05-30 22:17:52 Incestuous Intentions (Part 5) I am so sorry for leaving you guys/gals hanging for two weeks like this. I have unfortunately been quite sick. However part six is almost complete (just need to edit) so it should be up before Saturday evening. Thanks again for sticking with me. xxx ;)