Comments from blkdemon02

Date Story title Comment
2015-02-06 02:45:56 Genesis Volume 3 (edited) Marauder
Thank you

Anonymous readerReport
2015-02-05 23:23:19
LOL, will do so.

Anonymous readerReport
2015-02-06 00:42:00
Yeah but if it comes fast I have less time to think about it. Then I make more mistakes. Worry not Vol. 4 will come out at the end of this month.
2015-02-06 23:33:41 Genesis Volume 3 (edited) lol Kane thanks, I'll be on time.
2015-02-08 00:18:20 Genesis Volume 3 (edited) Anonymous readerReport
2015-02-07 07:40:07

Not that I know of.
2015-02-09 03:27:50 Genesis Volume 3 (edited) Anonymous readerReport
2015-02-08 17:47:38

I'm looking into it right now. So far I like what I see.
2015-02-10 14:15:54 Genesis Volume 3 (edited) About JYAS I hate writing it because the story that's out right now isn't the one want to tell. It's laborious just thinking about it, in order for me to be pleased I'd have to start from the beginning. However, since the story is already out there I feel compelled to finish it... at some point. Also Kane if you get this PM I'd like to discuss somethings with you.