Comments from Doc88102

Date Story title Comment
2015-09-25 23:38:01 Spin the Bottle_(0) thought this was awesome, had to find something original on here nowadays. great job.
2016-01-27 23:30:25 Caught III All three stories so far have been exceptional, I look forward to seeing where it all goes when you release part 4. Great job.
2016-02-05 18:21:55 The Love Shared (Part 6) I have no problem with criticism, just as long as its constructive.
If people want less of the sister then i will do what i can to write around that particular story arc.
2016-04-03 08:45:53 Fucking the Sisssssssss!!_(0) I liked it, yet i feel as though there were parts missing. Don't be afraid to add more detail, especially if you want to build a series (which this has the potential to be).
But hey, I've written worse than this so I'll hand out the positive vote.
2016-06-06 14:18:10 Lake Nicaragua Writing "Part 7" of 'The Love Shared' right now, thank you to all those who support these stories!