Comments from fantasysflirt
Date | Story title | Comment |
2013-03-28 18:19:37 | L&C school of Writing 2 (Debbies new job) | wow! great follow up story hun ;) xoxo |
2015-05-26 08:54:26 | The Caller 06 - a new number | Love the rules! |
2015-06-02 04:46:06 | #### ABOUT MY STORIES #### | I stand by what I've said while previous discussions. Sexy and adorable. And I'm jealous, the zombies got like almost a dozen stories... Compared to my new favorite series by you. Still all good so far, happy writing. |
2015-06-02 06:58:24 | #### ABOUT MY STORIES #### | Awesome, you know my new favorite series. So I after 8 comes out...I'll have to read the dead people. Twists in your pretty head..hmm.. *awaits in anticipation* |
2015-07-03 02:20:05 | ### 2015-07-02: Thanks, happiness and a choice of smut | Heya Anna! Would definitely love to have caller 10... But I'm also very interested in seeing what you have done to the wanna be president Palin. Oh and I'm very curious to see where the road trip leads to. Naughty writing, hugs and a .. Kiss. :) A flirt, K. |